Postdoctoral position open for Invacost!
A postdoct [...]
The invasion of insects and climate change: an impact on the global economy
$77 billion per year, that is the minimum annual cost of damage caused by around ten different species of invasive insects worldwide.
nsignificant. A slightly provocative title which proposes to put Man gently back in his place.
Disease – West Nile Virus
West nile fever is due to the West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, mostly the Culex’s genus
Insect invasion in a warmer World – Video
Insects are one of the worst blights to humanity's development
Biology of an invasion
Invasive species introduction is the third trigger of biodiversity decline in the world ( after habitat degradation and overexploitation), according to IUCN.
Pollution : pigeon escape from harmfull smog
Researchers found that pigeons increase their speed of 22.7% when flying in polluted air.
Global change: threat synergy leads to extinctions
Multiple threats, such as habitat destruction, overexploitation, climate change, and invasive species, lead to an increase in species extinction risks.
Invasive ants: the war of colonies
What would be the result of a confrontation between several ants colonies, among which are the most dangerous in the world ?
Ethics in research
Ethics doesn’t prevent from innovation, it reprensents a solutions' framework to implement in order to solve the problems.
Green cancer spread affected by climate change
Miconia calvescens is considered the worst plant pest in Hawaii and French Polynesia and threatens the rain forest.
Climate change: Should we fear an invasion of ants? ?
Climate change may boost biological invasions because the distribution of many invasive species is currently restricted by thermal barriers.